The Basics of HTML: Getting Started


In the vast geography of web development, HTML( Hypertext Markup Language) stands as the foundation upon which the digital world is erected. Whether you are a seasoned inventor or a complete freshman, understanding the basics of HTML is essential for creating and structuring web content. In this comprehensive companion, we will claw into the fundamentals of HTML, breaking down its crucial factors and furnishing practical exemplifications to help you embark on your trip into web development. 

 1. What's HTML? 

 HTML, an acronym for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard language used to produce and design documents on the World Wide Web. It provides a set of rudiments or markers that structure the content on a web runner, easing the donation of textbook, images, links, and other multimedia rudiments. HTML is the backbone of web development, working in confluence with cascading style wastes( CSS) and JavaScript to produce dynamic and visually appealing websites.

2. How does HTML work?

When a user visits a web page, their browser downloads the HTML code and then renders the page according to the code. The browser reads the HTML tags and then displays the content accordingly. For example, if an HTML document contains the tag , the browser will display the text that follows the tag as a paragraph.

3. Basic Structure of an HTML Document 

 Every HTML document follows a introductory structure that includes essential rudiments. Let's explore the deconstruction of a simple HTML document 

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>: This declaration specifies the HTML version being used, in this case, HTML5.
  2. <html lang="en">: The <html> element encapsulates the entire document. The lang attribute    defines the language of the document, aiding accessibility and search engine optimization.
  3. <head>: The <head> section contains meta-information about the document, such as character encoding, viewport settings, and the document title.
  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">: This meta tag sets the character encoding to UTF-8, ensuring proper handling of text in various languages.
  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">: The viewport meta tag is essential for responsive design, ensuring that the page adapts to different devices and screen sizes.
  6. <title>: The <title> element defines the title of the document, which appears in the browser's title bar or tab.
  7. <body>: The <body> element contains the actual content of the web page, including text, images, links, and other elements.

Next article: HTML Elements and Tags

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